Corporate Balance provides practical support to the Private Equity sector to help manage Environmental, Social and Governance issues. We offer ESG assessments across a firm's portfolio of investments; providing an overview of how each company is performing in ESG management and identifying any material risks and opportunities. We also offer pre-deal ESG due diligence, and strategic level reporting to assess ESG management at a macro-level.
Both our Senior Consultants have been working within the sustainability sector for over 20 years; and have over a decade's worth of experience working within the ESG sector. We guarantee comprehensive advice and, if required, can often turnaround ESG portfolio and due diligence assessments in a matter of days.
Integrity & clarity
We always let clients know the number of days we think it will take to undertake a project prior to starting, and provide a comprehensive cost proposal ahead of engaging in any work. You can also be assured of our complete discretion; we never share client data with any other organisation and take commercial sensitivity very seriously when it comes to working on pre-deal ESG assessments.
We have been working with many of our clients over several years and as a result have been able to provide continuity in the ESG assessments as companies evolve beyond the post-deal stage. We undertake an annual ESG review for most of our clients which provides a picture across their portfolio of ESG development, risks and opportunities.