Working with the corporate responsibility director, we conducted a CR health check and made a number of short, medium and long-term recommendations for Warburtons to begin embedding CR into their business operations. This involved speaking to members of the senior management team to gain insight into their key corporate responsibility risks and opportunities.
We run a course on Corporate Responsibility, Risk, Materiality and Governance on behalf of BITC. The course, created by Corporate Balance, introduces a risk framework which is designed to help candidates understand the risk and opportunities present in the field of Corporate Responsibility.
We provided maternity cover support for the sustainability manager at Imperial Tobacco; helping to grow their sustainable agricukture agenda by working closely with farmers and partners in Africa and Asia.
We worked with Royal Mail Group to help create and implement their Environment Strategy. One of our key successes was that we collated all the Group’s environmental activities into one, succinct and cohesive strategy, which was endorsed by the Group’s board. This was acheived by implementing a comprehensive stakeholder engagement programme in collaboration with the environmental team. The findings were then used to benchmark against the Group’s industry peers and fed into strategic targets.